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Sending SMS in Australia

For messages sent within Australia we have a standard retail rate of 8 cents, down to as low as 6c per message (inclusive of GST!). This is cheaper than a standard mobile phone plan which may charge in excess of 20c per text message sent. Each sms message can contain up to 160 characters. We understand the importance of getting the message across and as such if you send an email to SMS message that is longer than 160 characters then we will send multiple sms messages for your single email message up to a length of 1440 characters (9 sms messages).

If you have high volume requirements please contact a UTBox representative to apply for volume discounts.

Sending SMS Internationally

Most locations in the world use only one credit and hence cost 14 cents per message. For some international locations a single sms may cost more than one credit. Please refer to the lists below to determine how many credits a single SMS message will cost.

Locations Credits

smsworldmapYou can now manage your sms communications locally or globally with UTBox. Whether it be keeping in touch with the kids who are travelling, missing a loved one or just managing your business and staff that are travelling, UTBox has one of the most cost competitive and easy to use email to sms solutions around.

Find out more about our email to sms services. You may also start using the UTBox SMS solution now with our 30-day free trial by clicking on the button below.